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Do you find yourself dreading bedtime? Are you experiencing mind racing, can’t sleep anxiety? These common sleep anxiety symptoms may simply be surface-level or could also be related to deeper issues that have not been addressed. For some, anxiety as you’re attempting to sleep may be connected to general anxiety disorder, depression, or other mental health concerns. Examining the connection between anxiety and insomnia can be a trying task but determining the root of your sleep anxiety is an important endeavor for your health. Psycamore is here as your supportive partner in exploring these aspects of your life and finding the relief you deserve.

How to Calm Anxiety at Night 

Even with anxiety, you can sleep soundly if you apply a few strategies in the evening hours to cue your mind and body that it’s sleep time. There are some tried-and-true tips on how to sleep with anxiety and depression, methods of calming anxiety at night naturally, without the consistent use of sleep aids, sleep anxiety medication, or anti-anxiety meds. What works effectively for one person may be different for the next person, so it’s a wise choice to try various strategies until you find the winning solution or combination of techniques. 

Establish Sleep Routines

Your body and mind crave routine. That means that going to bed and waking up at similar times each day is beneficial. Create a basic sleep schedule and try to stick to it. Similarly, performing the same calming activities before bedtime helps to let your mind and body know that it’s getting close to bedtime.

The Importance of Winding Down Before Sleep

Another important routine to establish is a calming bedtime routine to relax your mind and body an hour or two before sleep. This could include taking a warm bath or shower, reading, practicing mindfulness or meditation, drinking a calming tea, and similar calming activities. Journaling and relaxation techniques are helpful to employ during your wind-down period. Another important component of preparing for bedtime is avoiding screen time, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. These interfere with sleep patterns and can exacerbate sleep disruptions. 

Create a Calming Sleep Environment

Your sleep space needs to be a calming, comfortable, safe space for you. For most people, an environment that is cool, dark, and quiet is the most conducive for sleep. Consider changing up your mattress, pillows, and bedding until you find the most comfortable fit.

Manage Your Worries

For many people, stress and anxiety build as bedtime looms, creating a rush of anxiety when falling asleep. To decrease the likelihood of this happening, you may need to manage your anxiety. The methods of managing anxiety will depend largely upon the source of your stress. If it is a diagnosed anxiety condition, therapy and/or medication may be the most successful source of relief for you. For some, journaling, meditation, and establishing a specifically allowed “worry time” could be enough to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. If the methods you are employing consistently are not effective for reducing your anxiety, consider consulting a professional. 
At Psycamore, our therapists and mental health professionals are well-versed in anxiety and sleep conditions. We can provide the support and techniques to help you work through your anxiety and successfully relieve the symptoms of anxiety in your daily life and at night. Contact us today for assistance with your anxiety and sleep concerns! We’re here to help!

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