Flowood: 601.939.5993 | Southaven: 662.349.2818 | Biloxi: 228.385.7744 | Columbus: 662.243.0131


We offer life changing psychiatric mental health outpatient
services to those who are in need

What do Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs mean?

Partial Hospitalization, also called day hospital, is a comprehensive approach to treating mental illness, similar to inpatient hospital services but without being confined. It involves 4-5 hours of group therapy, five days a week. It also includes individual counseling sessions weekly and medication management with a psychiatric physician. Intensive Outpatient Program, on the other hand, provides similar comprehensive services, but shorter in duration, generally three to four days weekly. They are both outpatient programs.

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How is Partial Hospitalization beneficial?

Partial Hospitalization can be beneficial for many reasons. It can be an immediate resource to stabilize a crisis without going to the hospital. It can provide further stabilization if one is coming out of the hospital. It can provide carefully structured and necessary treatment with schedule flexibility and lower costs. It is therapy-driven, providing a wide variety of approaches to promote growth and change. It can facilitate a more complete and long-lasting recovery of function.

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I’ve done treatment before. How is this program different?

As you may know, inpatient treatment is very short and very confining, and not
very lasting. Office treatment is generally once a week for an hour and it can take
several months to get better. With Partial Hospital, you get results quickly. Research shows that an intense and comprehensive approach involving group and individual therapies and medication gives the best and quickest results in terms of improved mental health. We also offer treatment for the dually diagnosed patient; that is, for the patient who suffers from mood disorders issues as well. We use a combination of well-proven therapies that aren’t seen in other programs. We work to affect behavior, emotion, cognition, sensation, imagery, relationship, and body chemistry. Our therapists are also highly trained and truly committed.

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I feel like I don’t want to be in the program for more than a week or two. How do I decide?

We can understand your hesitation, but clearly, you sought help because you believe your issues are getting in the way of your functioning on a daily basis. It took a long time to get this way and it cannot be undone in one or two weeks. Give us at least two weeks. Research shows a treatment duration of six weeks or longer will get the best results as it allows you more time to understand, apply and practice the new skills.

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What about my job? I’m concerned about being off work for too long.

The good news is that with the treatment, medical leave can be approved for this program. If you have a short-term disability, we can complete the necessary paperwork for you to continue receiving a check. Your supervisor will arrange coverage in your absence. You will not only do much better in your job but also deal with the job stress much better. Right now, you know your health is more important than your job.

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I’m afraid I can’t afford the program. How am I going to manage the expense?

You may be eligible for short-term disability income through your job. We’re glad to help you process these papers. In terms of deductible and out-of-pocket costs, our business office will review your unique needs and can offer a flexible payment plan. You may need to fill out a monthly budget sheet for this purpose. Our goal is to help you focus on getting the help you need, relatively free of financial worry.

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Why can’t I just see the physician for medication for my problems?

Medication is only one aspect of your treatment needs. It can help address some of the symptoms you suffer but will not help relieve the stress and other underlying issues that created the symptoms in the first place. That’s why a more comprehensive program including counseling and group therapies can be substantially more beneficial.

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I’m afraid of opening up to strangers. Why do I need to attend groups?

Your discomfort is understandable and normal. Participation and comfort in a group is a process that improves with time. The groups allow you to feel connected, a part of something larger than yourself. They are beneficial because of the sharing and knowing you are not alone. Your shared experience in groups will multiply the opportunities for feedback, insight, and growth.

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Why are all those groups necessary? Will I ever see anyone individually?

Psycamore is committed to providing you with the most comprehensive and well-balanced treatment program available. Our group therapy schedule that is diverse and structured for the whole week is one way to meet that goal. However, we understand there are issues that are best addressed in individual sessions, so these are provided at least once a week. We also provide couples or family therapy when it is beneficial to your overall treatment plan.

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What about confidentiality? I’m nervous about others finding out I’m in treatment.

Your privacy is protected by law and we take strict precautions to ensure your privacy and confidentiality. How much and what you choose to reveal to others is your decision. All group members are bound by the same confidentiality rules and cannot talk about other group members outside of the group. We do not inform anyone of your treatment here without your written consent. The only exception is when your life or other’s life is in danger because of your mental condition; our goal is to protect you and others.

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I feel better after talking with you and letting you know about my problems. Why do I need to return?

Today you took the first step to get help for your problems. It took courage, and it’s natural to feel some sense of relief today but you have the same problems as you go home. You need to return because you want to change things for good and for the change to last. Changing you takes time and commitment. Commitment to continuing treatment at Psycamore is a commitment to real change.

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What do I do for emergencies?

If you seek suicide help or feel violent or out of control, call a friend or family to take you to the nearest hospital emergency room. You may also call 911. If you are a patient at Psycamore, call us during working hours and we will arrange the help you need.

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Our Clients Say:

As an older person who just lost a job, I needed some mental stability and help to think clearly about the future. I was depressed and felt alone. Psycamore staff was empathetic and very helpful […]

James Abernathy


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