Partial Hospital Program and Mental Health
When is going to a Partial Hospital Program (PHP) the right choice? Let’s first begin explainingwhat a Partial Hospital Program entails. A Partial Hospital Program (PHP) is a mental health solution defined as “a time-limited, ambulatory, active treatment program that offers therapeutic all intensive, coordinated, and structured clinical services within a stable therapeutic milieu.” It is an alternative to hospitalization and combines the best facets of inpatient care (structure and intense care) with the best of outpatient care (scheduling flexibility and lower cost). This type program allows patients the mobility and freedom to maintain home and social life and daily…
Coping through Covid-19
The current pandemic of Covid-19 is stressful for many of us. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and can cause strong emotions in adults and children. Learning how to cope with stress and getting help when you need it will make yourself, your family, and your friends better for it. The Center of Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include any of the following: fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, worsening of chronic…
The Winter “Blah’s” Amidst a Pandemic
Most of us rounded out 2020 with high expectations that 2021 would begin, and immediately treat us kindly. Facts are this time of year many experience “winter blues”, or shall we say “blah’s”. Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is a type of depression related to changing of seasons. Winter months are especially difficult due to days getting shorter, darker and quieter. These common winter feelings, amplified by the Pandemic, can limit our ability to do the things we enjoy. What does Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, look like? Dr. Sudhakar Madakasira, MD, DLFAPA, Diplomat of American Board of Psychiatry…