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Recovering from trauma is no small feat and it takes patience, time, and a willingness to explore deeply rooted emotions. Every person handles PTSD and trauma differently, and the healing process is no different – it is a personal process. As research and information has been gathered over the past several decades, some proven strategies for healing from trauma have emerged. Psycamore has spent years treating trauma survivors in Mississippi and employing a range of strategies that help our valued clients recover from trauma and go on to lead healthy, full lives. While they may differ slightly for each person, these methods have been noted to consistently help with the process of healing. 

Trauma Healing Techniques and Strategies

  1. Meditation for Trauma Healing

Meditation has been used for centuries around the world as stress relief and grounding. For those suffering from PTSD, meditation can help reduce anxiety and live in the present moment. Flashbacks, hyperarousal or awareness, and negative thought patterns plague many trauma survivors and meditation breaks these response cycles.

  1. Avoiding Addiction 

Many people who have survived trauma turn to addictions for temporary relief but these habits only continue the cycle of pain, numbing out the associated feelings instead of providing an avenue to work through them. Avoiding addictions can encourage the process of recovery instead of prolonging it.

  1. Accepting Support

Research has indicated that those with a strong support system tend to heal from trauma more quickly. Support systems create a sense of belonging, build trust, and encourage healthy life habits. It’s important to have a solid group to depend on for validation, advice, and comfort.

  1. Acknowledging the Event & Associated Emotions

Numbing out and denying that the event ever occurred will not assist in the healing process. As difficult as it may be, facing the trauma head on enables a survivor to move past it, reduce its hold, and process the painful emotions and memories attached. When doing so, it’s important to proceed in a safe environment with support. 

  1. Practicing Self-Care

Engaging in self-care during the healing process is a crucial aspect of recovery from trauma. There are several ways to practice self-care, depending largely on the individual and what works best. Creative outlets, like painting, journaling, music, photography, allow wordless expression of emotions that may be hard to articulate. Another form of self-care is maintaining physical health. Regular checkups with the doctor, healthy eating, and good sleep patterns all can assist in the recovery process. Exercise, like running, yoga, swimming, and more can release endorphins and relieve stress while also fostering a healthy and active lifestyle. 

  1. Seeking Professional Treatment for Trauma

It takes strength to ask for help in trauma recovery. Skilled professional PTSD therapists can provide assistance in trigger responses, unhealthy thought patterns, processing related emotions, and rebuilding a sense of self. Many treatment programs for trauma incorporate group therapy or support groups where survivors can relate to others with similar experiences. 

Best Mental Health Clinic for Trauma Treatment Near Me

For certified mental health therapists and programs for treating trauma in Mississippi, visit Psycamore. Our compassionate care is just one phone call or click away. We’re on the healing journey with you, helping you take one step closer to the full and healthy life you deserve!

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